Testing for digitised manufacturing


This discounted service aims to support the industrial sector, especially engineering SMEs and mid-caps manufacturing companies, by facilitating access to research infrastructures and to the knowledge base and expertise of research teams and laboratories integrated especially in the industrial testbed, including the Smart Factory lab, the AIM (Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing) lab, and the Automotive lab, located at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at VŠB-TUO.

For whom the discounted service is intended: small and medium-sized enterprises and small midcaps (based in the EU)

Particulars of Discounted Service Use: We provide a discount of up to 85 per cent from actual market prices. The discount for enterprises will be provided de minimis, by Commission Regulation No. 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013.

The service can include one of four main activities or their combination

  • Contracted applied research, based on equipment and knowledge of the academic environment
  • Renting specific hardware and software equipment together with the support of research staff
  • Testing, verification and evaluation of prototypes, products and SW
  • Measurements and experiments in companies using equipment and the expertise of research workers.

The laboratories involved are equipped with unique instruments, devices, software, and experienced staff who can provide valuable services to industrial partners.

There are several areas in which the services will be provided

  • Automation and robotics
  • Measurement and data acquisition
  • Data analytics and the application of artificial intelligence
  • Modelling and simulations
  • Digitalisation of development and production processes
  • Automation and digitalisation of test tasks.

All activities will be organised and managed through the cooperation of research teams and industrial partners; progress will be regularly monitored, and the results will be evaluated according to predefined criteria.
A complex scheme with process links for the services provided (V-model):

For more information, contact:
Tomáš Stejskal
+420 724 088 001

Cooperating entities

EDIH Ostrava is gradually developing a network of cooperating entities – these are start-ups, technology companies, clusters, other domestic and foreign digital innovation hubs or another organization.

Do you want to cooperate with us? Contact us